Saturday 19 October 2013

Double Almonds Body Scrub

Acne Face Mask

Acne Face Mask
Baking Soda Mask
  • Lukewarm filtered water
  • 1-2 tbsp powdered baking soda
  • Put the baking soda in a small bowl.
  • Slowly add water until it soaks into the baking soda and forms a paste.
  • Apply the paste to your face using small circular motions.

    Honey Mask
    What you need: 2 tbsp pure honey, 1 tsp cinnamon, and 1 wedge of fresh lemon juice
    Combine honey, cinnamon, and lemon juice in a small bowl. Warm (microwave or hot water bath) the honey a little, if needed, to help with stirring. Mix until you get a smooth and uniform paste.Leave the mask on for about 15 – 20 minutes.
    I came across this aspirin mask with Michelle Phan's video a few years ago, and i tried it. Didn't saw significant improvements, but at that time i wasn't consistent with it.
    I tried again a few weeks ago, and i'm pleased. It really helps with inflammation, pigmentation and helps even out the skintone. I also notice a difference in my comedonal acne, The bumps are less and blackheads seems to be decreasing. I must say that along with once a week mask, i also started the aspirin tone, and OMG it has done wonders! Even my hyperpigmentation is improving significantly!
    I use 2 aspirins (500mg), a few drops of water to break the aspirins and honey to keep it all together and give extra benefits for the skin.

Kalonji Tip To Reduce Tummy Fat

Homemade Peeling Mask

Skin glow tip

Diet Plan for weight loss

Best Weight-Loss Tips 

Tip No. 1: Drink plenty of water or other calorie-free beverages.

 Tip No. 2: Think about what you can add to your diet, not what you should take away.

 Tip No. 3: Consider whether you're really hungry.

 Tip No. 4: Be choosy about nighttime snacks.

 Tip No. 5: Enjoy your favorite foods

 Tip No. 6: Eat several mini-meals during the day.

 Tip No. 7: Eat protein at every meal.


Best Diet Tip: Swap a cup of pasta for a cup of vegetables.

Simply by eating less pasta or bread and more veggies, you could lose a dress or pants size in a year.

"You can save from 100-200 calories if you reduce the portion of starch on your plate and increase the amount of vegetables," says Sass.

Shampoo for dry,oily and week hair

Tip for Long Hair

Tip for Long Hair
Tips 1
  • Honey
  • Aloe vera leaves
The gel should be taken from fresh aloe vera leaves and mixed with honey. The mixture should be applied on the hair and scalp, leaving it for 20 minutes.

  • Water
  • Potato
Potato and water should be boiled. After removing the potato, it should be used to rinse your hair
  • Olive oil – 3 tsp
  • Cucumber peels
  • Egg -1
The cucumber peels should be mashed, and mixed with egg and oil. The mask should be applied on your hair, and left for 20 minutes before using shampoo to rinse.

  • Potato – 3
  • Egg yolk – 1
  • Honey
The potato should be crushed and mixed with honey and egg yolk. The potato hair mask should be applied on your scalp and hair, and left for 30 minutes before rinsing your hair.
Some more tips
  • Hot water should not be used to rinse your hair.
  • The hair should be regularly trimmed every 6 weeks to avoid hair split ends.
  • Hat tools should not be used on your hair for hair styling.
  • The hot oil massage should be applied on your scalp to improve blood circulation.

Whitening Pack

Moisturizing body Soak

Herbal Beauty tip in urdu

Herbal tip for acne

Acne Treatments

Use baking soda. Mix equal parts baking soda and water to form a paste. Apply the paste onto acne individually, not over the entire face. Dip a Q-Tip into the baking soda mixture and apply that way.

  • Leave the baking soda paste on your face for about 10 minutes, or until dry.

  • Wash off with very cold water. It will help close the pores significantly.

  • Repeat at most two times a day. If your skin becomes irritated or excessively oily due to use, make sure to discontinue treatment.

    1.  Try using lemon juice as an acne remedy. Cut a lemon in half and gently rub the open-side of the lemon onto the acne. The stinging feeling means it's working. Lemons contain citric acid, which attacks the bacteria that cause acne.

    • Make sure to wipe/wash the lemon juice off, and use sunscreen afterwards. Citric acid can bleach the skin and puts it at significantly higher likelihood of sun damage.

Zubaida Tariq Beauty tip

Tips for long hair

Tips For Long Hair

Tip 1: Oil your hair at least twice a week.

 Tip 2: massage you’re hair at least twice a week. This is one of the simplest beauty tips for hair growth.

Tip 3: Yes, your hair looks better when washed. But washing it every day will only make it dry and brittle. Do not wash more than thrice a week. 

Tip 4: Hair is brittle when wet. Be gentle when washing.

Tip 5: Use cold or normal water when washing. Hot water has the same effect and heat treatment. Your hair will be left dry and frizzy.

Tip 6: Don’t use too much shampoo and the sulphatescan harm your hair.

Fruit Mask

Fruit Mask
Did you know that fruit can greatly benefit not only your health, but also your skin?  In regards to health, fresh peaches, plums and nectarines from California contain no fat. They are also sodium-free and cholesterol-free. These attributes make them welcome additions to a heart-healthy lifestyle. All three fruits are good sources of vitamin C and contain other important vitamins and minerals, including potassium and vitamin A. Each provides beneficial fiber and healthy carbohydrates.

Tomato:  Yes, tomato is a fruit! The juice of tomato is nutritional gold. But have you tried tomato-based face masks to tighten and brighten skin? You should. Tomatoes can reduce blemishes and blackheads. They  even out skin tone, and shrink pores. Mix tomato pulp with a little oatmeal, and you have an exfoliating mask. Mix lemon juice with tomato pulp, and you have a cleansing mask. What can be easier—and more effective?!

Strawberries: the antioxdiant power of strawberries helps you defy age. The beautiful berry supports connective tissue, healing the skin from within. Crush 8 to 10 strawberries into a pulp, and mix with 1 tbsp of yogurt. Apply this delicious mask on your face, and wash off after a good 20 minutes. Your skin will feel wonderfully soft and radiant.

Tip for blackhead

Friday 18 October 2013



Hello Everyone!!
Today I am going to review SAEED GHANI SANDAL POWDER
 Texture: very fine powder

 Sandalwood is an Indian tree, the wood of the sandalwood powder is used to make many cosmetics and aromatic products.
 Directions of Use
  • Take about 2 tablespoons of sandalwood powder in a bowl
  •  Add rose water to make a thin paste.
  •  Mix thoroughly to get rid of any lumps. Your face pack is ready now. 
  •  Clean your face with water.
  •  Apply this paste evenly on the face avoiding the area around the eyes.
  •  Leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
  •  Rinse with cool water.
  •  Gently pat your face dry with a clean towel
    An excellent face mask: Make a smooth mixture of 1 teaspoon of sandalwood powder, ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder and 2 tablespoons of honey and apply over face and neck. Leave for 20 minutes and wash with cold water. Use this mask at least twice a week for a smooth and tingly fresh skin - See more at:
My Experience

I have been using sandalwood powder on my face forever. Its and amazing face pack for refreshing my face, helping me to clear up the blemishes and overall for my skin.As for the results, after the first time, like with all masks, I felt really good about it. Did it's job, cleaned my skin, made it all smooth. Then the next morning, I woke up, and UNLIKE all masks I've tried, my skin was still smooth. I wasn't sure if the sandalwood was it. So I tried again 3 days later. Man, oh, man, same thing.

After about a week, I noticed my skin wasn't really as clogged. That said, I also stopped using moisturizer and as for make-up, I only use concealer, but I felt like a huge factor of my clean pores was the mask.
After I was using the mask, during the night and in the morning, my skin felt unusually clean and smooth, but not tight and stripped of its own oils

To get soft, fair and glowing skin. Use a mixture of 4 teaspoons of sandalwood powder + 2 teaspoon of almond oil + 4 tablespoon of coconut oil. Apply this mixture on your skin for about 15 to 20 minutes and then wash off with warm water. - See more at:
To get soft, fair and glowing skin. Use a mixture of 4 teaspoons of sandalwood powder + 2 teaspoon of almond oil + 4 tablespoon of coconut oil. Apply this mixture on your skin for about 15 to 20 minutes and then wash off with warm water. - See more at:
Make a paste by mixing sandalwood powder with rose water - See more at:
Make a paste by mixing sandalwood powder with rose water - See more at:


Acne Care Tips

Acne Care Tips
1. Aloe Vera that is taken internally is effective in treating acne. Its juice can also be applied on skin areas that have acne.

2. Rose water mixed with sandalwood paste can also be applied on the face for 30 minutes before rinsing it off. 

3.  Paste made from water and powdered Neem leaves can also be applied on the affected skin as an acne treatment.

4. A solution of camphor lotion, tomato juice and honey is something my friend tried. She got amazing results out of it. You need to leave the solution on your face for around fifteen minutes. After this, make sure you wash it off with luke warm water, then follow it with a cold water rinse.

5. A mixture of glycerine, boiled milk and limejuice is something that will help tell your acne goodbye.

 6. Egg white can also be an effective acne remedy when applied on the acne for at least 15 to 20 minutes.

Tip For Removing Acne Scars

 Tip For Removing Acne Scars


SafriDerm Skin Brightener Cream

When creating a product the base ingredients are just as important as the active ones. It is important to choose proper carriers and liposomes to ensure that the active ingredients are absorbed deeply into the skin. It is also wise to include effective preservatives and moisturizers to ensure minimal skin irritation. SafriDerm Skin Brightener Cream contains the highest concentrations of active ingredients tolerated by the skin. The use of special base ingredients and high quality actives is what brings out the true effectiveness of the formula and sets us apart from other manufacturers.

How does SafriDerm work?

Your skin colour comes from natural pigment called melanin. Melanin pigment is synthesized in specialized cytoplasmic organelles called melanosomes. Within the melanosome the enzymatic conversion of the amino acid tyrosine to melanin is catalyzed by the enzyme tyrosinase. The melanosomes in darker portions of the skin are more active than those found in normal areas of the body. The ingredients found in our formula counter this process in multiple ways by dealing with not only the melanosomes, but also the enzyme tyrosinase. With the help of exfoliation agents, the initial lightening effects of the complexion can be often being seen within 2 weeks.

In order to naturally fade the appearance of dark skin spots and obtain an even complexion, you must dedicate time and patience to the process. Results will vary based on your particular skin condition and the amount of sun exposure received. Though initial improvement is often seen in just 2 weeks, full results generally appear after 1-2 months of regular use.


Licorice Extract

The licorice plant serves many purposes in skin care. Licorice is a lipophilic extract obtained of the root of the Licorice, Glycyrrhiza glabra L. Developed as a whitening agent for cosmetics that is used as an anti inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial and skin whitening. Glabridin, one of the main components of Licorice, may inhibit melanogenesis by one of two mechanisms:
  • Inhibition of the production of active oxygen species, as active oxygen is one of the species that induces skin pigmentation.
  • Inhibition of tyrosinase: human tyrosinase is an essential enzyme which regulates the production of melanin.


ALPHA-ARBUTIN is a pure, water soluble, biosynthetic active ingredient. ALPHA-ARBUTIN promotes lightening and an even skin tone on all skin types. ALPHA-ARBUTIN blocks epidermal melanin biosynthesis by inhibiting enzymatic oxidation of tyrosine and Dopa. Structurally, ALPHA-ARBUTIN (IUPAC name 4-hydroxyphenyl-α-D-glucopyranoside) is a α-glucoside, The α-glucosidic bond offers higher stability and efficacy than the β-form in the related beta-arbotin. This leads to a skin lightening active that acts faster and more efficiently than existing single components, minimizes liver spots and reduces the degree of skin tanning after UV exposure.

Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate (MAP) in Skin Lightening

Skin lightening products have become more popular around the world. With the increased number of lightening, whitening and brightening products, questions have arisen as to the safety of some skin bleaching ingredients.

The interest in lightening products remains strong, which means that there is a need for other ingredients that achieve good lightening results. Magnesium ascorbyl phosphate is a water soluble derivative of vitamin C, known to show evidence of skin lightening abilities. Ascorbic acid has several documented physiological and pharmacological effects on the skin. Ascorbic acid acts as an inhibitor of melanin formation and also plays a role in collagen formation. Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate is and pharmacological activities. MAP has been widely used in various cosmetics because of its advantageous properties such as inhibitory effects on melanogenesis, promotion of collagen synthesis, and prevention of lipid peroxidation.

Kojic Acid Dipalmitate

A fungal metabolic product, kojic acid inhibits the catecholase activity of tyrosinase, which is the rate-limiting, essential enzyme in the biosynthesis of the skin pigment melanin. Melanocytes treated with kojic acid become nondendritic, with decreased melanin content. Additionally, it scavenges reactive oxygen species releases excessively form cells or generated in tissue or blood. Kojic acid is now used extensively as a natural alternative to hydroquinone.

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil is a vegetable oil obtained from the crushed bean of the jojoba shrub (Simmondsia Chinenis). The jojoba shrub is native to the Sonoran Desert of north-western Mexico and Neighbouring regions in Arizona and southern California. The chemical structure of jojoba oil is different from that of other vegetable oils. Rather than being an oil, it is actually is a polyunsaturated liquid wax that is similar to sperm whale oil, though without the fishy odour. It is made of fatty acids as well as esters composed entirely of straight chain alcohols. Waxes of this type are difficult to synthesize.

Jojoba oil has many uses in a wide verity of industries. It is an effective cleanser, conditioner, moisturizer, and softener for the skin and hair. Jojoba oil is similar to sebum which is secreted by human sebaceous glands to lubricate and protect skin and hair. When sebum production decreases due to age, pollutants or environmental stresses, jojoba oil can be used to replicate sebum oil. Jojoba oil is a nontoxic, noncomedgenic and hypoallergenic substance. It has been widely used for decades in cosmetics, with no reported adverse effects.

Tamanu Oil (Phospholipids)

Tamanu oil possesses a unique capacity to promote the formation of new tissue, thereby accelerating wound healing and the growth of healthy skin. Tamanu oil promotes healthy, clear and blemish-free skin.

Oil of Tamanu contains three basic classes of lipids, neutral lipids, glycolipids, and phospholipids. The oil also contains a unique fatty acid called calophyllic acid, and a novel antibiotic lactone and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent called calophylloide. These and other components of tamanu oil including anti-inflammatory coumarins, account for some of the oil's beneficial activity. Oil of tamanu is suitable for general skin and cosmetic purposes. The oil's unusual absorption, its mild and pleasant aroma, and its luxurious feel make it ideal for use in lotions, creams, ointments and other cosmetic products. Considering that tamanu is a potent healing agent with proven benefits. It is only a matter of time before tamanu breaks through to more widespread use, and assumes a position among other successful topical and cosmetic ingredients.

Vitamin E

Chemical name tocopherol Vitamin E is time proven ingredient in world of cosmetics. Its substantiated capabilities when applied topically includes
  • Protects the epidermis from early stages of ultraviolet light damage
  • Increase the efficacy of active sun screen or sunblock ingredients.
  • Reduces the formation of free radicals upon skin exposure to UVA rays and other sources of skin stress.
  • Prevent the peroxidation of fats a leading source of cell membrane damage in the body.
  • Reduces epidermal water loss from skin and strengthens the skin's barrier function.
  • Protects the skin barriers oil (Lipids) balance during the cleansing process.
  • Reduce the severity of sunburn
  • Skin absorbs and maintains level of topical Vitamin E, prolongs its benefits between applications.
  • Vitamin E is a major antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.

Usage Directions

Before applying SAFRIDERM brightener Cream wash skin thoroughly with MEDIVIT-E BAR and dry it. Apply an even layer over the affected area twice daily. Massage thoroughly until cream is absorbed completely into the skin. As with all skin care products, please consult with a dermatologist prior to use if you have any underlying medical conditions or general concerns. Long term treatments with any product should be monitored by a medical professional.
  • Apply once in the morning and once at night for best results.
  • The use of an additional wide spectrum sunblock of SPF 60 (SOLARIN 60) is strongly recommended at day time.
  • Wait 10 minutes before applying makeup and /or sunblock (SOLARIN 60).
  • Heavy sun exposure should be limited. Avoid the use of tanning beds and/or sun lamps.
  • For topical use only and should not be ingested or used in the eyes or mouth.
  • Store in a cool, dry area away from direct sunlight.
  • Do not dismantle the container as this will allow air and light to oxidize with the product.
Warning: Avoid contact with eyes. Some users may experience mild skin irritation. If irritation becomes severe, discontinue use and consult a doctor. Spot test for allergic reactions on the arm or neck prior to using any product on the face.

Not recommended for children under the age of 8 years. FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY. (Our products contain absolutely no hydroquinone, mercury, steroids or other harmful bleaching substances)



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